
Our morning did not quite go as we planned. I did get up early, as we discussed last night. As soon as Bob got out of the shower I was ready to get in, instead of sleeping later, as I often tended to this summer. I assumed that Abby was still asleep and Sean had […]


“You can’t boil the ocean, if you try to, your life/blog becomes generic.” ~  Maria Ross That is my biggest takeaway from BlogHer`13. I heard it towards the beginning of Pathfinder Day, in the Keynote One to One with Maria Ross and Lesley Pinckney. Maria, a brand strategist, author, speaker and brain aneurysm survivor, has so […]


This time last year I was doing a lot of the same things I did today, packing and preparing to attend BlogHer’s annual conference. However, in 2012 I was flying to NYC with my sister for the big event, my first BlogHer conference, and I was a speaker there. For my second go around I […]


I have been trying to write this post for a few days now, but it has just been one of those weeks… I happy to report that survived my MRI on Monday! Not that there was much doubt that I would, but as with so many things in life, the anticipation turned out to be worse […]


As I have shared here over the past few months, mostly through my Winter and Spring Shed Series, I have dealt with some challenging physical problems. From weekly pelvic floor physical therapy (PT) sessions to try to address painful muscle spasms in my urethra and vagina (which I used to think were chronic urinary tract infections) to […]


Greetings and welcome to this stop on the The Open-Hearted Way to Open Adoption Book Tour! This is my fifth time participating in a book tour. My previous experiences were with Eat, Pray, Love, Life from Scratch, A Gift of Time and The Sound of Hope. For those of you not familiar with book tours, they are essentially online book clubs. […]