by Kathy on November 15, 2012 · 2 comments
in Background, BHBC, BlogHer, Books, Dreams, Expectations, Family, Friends, Journey, Life, Memories, Milestones, Planning, The Future, Time
It’s been ten months since the last time I read and reviewed a book for the BlogHer Book Club (BHBC). There were many reasons this year that I passed on opportunities to participate and in a few cases I didn’t respond quickly enough to get the chance. However, I am glad to be sharing this […]
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by Kathy on September 5, 2012 · 7 comments
in Background, Before I Blogged, Bereavement, Bob, Expectations, Faith, Family, Gratitude, Grief, Life, Loss, Love, Marriage, Memories, Organization, Quotes, Sadness, Signs, Time, Writing
This past week has been a whirlwind! We were away for Labor Day Weekend and had a wonderful last hurrah with family and friends. Yesterday was Sean’s first day of school (third grade) and overall it went very well. Next week Abby starts preschool three mornings a week and in the meantime I am trying […]
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by Kathy on August 12, 2012 · 14 comments
in ALI Community, Anxiety, BlogHer, Conferences, Expectations, Family, Food, Friends, Happiness, Infertility, Journey, Life, Loss, Molly, Relationships, Writing
This is the first of four posts in which I will give day by day detailed accounts about my first experience at a BlogHer annual conference as both an attendee and a speaker. I hope these blog entries will give those who have not been to BlogHer before an inside look at what it is […]
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One week from tomorrow I will be leaving on a jet plane for my first BlogHer annual conference in NYC. I am excited and nervous being a “newbie.” I am trying to go into this experience with an open mind and few expectations. There have been a slew of great posts written recently (and in the past) […]
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You’ve probably heard about this speech somewhere lately. It was on my radar, but I hadn’t taken the time to try to find and read it. Thankfully today it found its way to me through an old friend who shared a link to it on Facebook, which showed up in my news feed. It was just […]
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by Kathy on May 21, 2012 · 4 comments
in Abby, Blessed, Bob, Exercise, Expectations, Family, Food, Friends, Gatekeeping, Happiness, Life, Loss, Love, Our Home, Running, Sean, Suicide Prevention
How are you feeling? What are your plans for tomorrow? Welcome to the fifth edition of my “Gatekeeping” blog series. I shared the back story of these simple and yet powerful questions in this post. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last week I received an email from a reader letting me know how much my Gatekeepers post has meant to […]
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