
Monday, 2-19-9612:41 PM London6:41 AM E-Town Another bomb was just reported to have gone off in central London, by the Strand, near Covent Garden. This is the 2nd bomb in the past 9 days… The 1st being the IRA bomb at Docklands last Friday night. But, there has been no claims, as of yet, for […]


Sunday, 2-18-96 9:21 PM London 3:21 PM E-Town Just spoke w/ M & D! So good to hear their voices… Mom is doing well w/ school & the principal continues to praise her for all she has brought to the staff & students there! Dad is adjusting back to life at work, after his month […]


Saturday, 2-17-96 9:20 AM London 3:20 AM E-Town Well, as often recently, it has been a few days since I have written in here… So backtracking… Tues. afternoon I had British Society class. Nothing too exciting, Matthew Broderick babbled on as usual & at one pt., mid-lecture, busted out with “Life is not a bowl […]


Monday, 2-12-96 9:429 PM London 3:29 PM E-Town I just finished watching John Major, the Prime Minister of England, speak on the BBC about the bombing in London, by the IRA, on Friday about 7 PM. I got many e-mails from home today inquiring about it & my safety, so I made a point to […]


Wednesday, 1-31-96 11:08 PM London 5:08 PM E-Town Well, after almost a month here in London, I feel pretty nearly where I belong… I was gonna say “pretty nearly perfectly happy,” to quote Anne of Green Gables… but what is perfect?! Well, I went to the Canoe Polo trials & decided not to try out […]


Monday, 1-29-96 10:49 PM London 4:49 PM E-Town Big news of the day: Debbie & Alex are coming to visit from Feb. 8th – 11th! Yippee! Who says God doesn’t answer prayers??? I was walking home from the tube this afternoon w/ out a trace of spring in my step…  I felt worn-out & homesick […]