
Last night I attend a presentation by Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, author of The Whole-Brian Child, at St. Xavier University in our Chicago neighborhood, on the southwest side of the city. Dr. Bryson was brought here thanks to a number of local organizations, including my daughter’s preschool, but in large part due to the effort […]


Greetings and welcome to this stop on the The Sound of Hope Book Tour! This is my fourth time participating in a book tour. My previous experiences were with Eat, Pray, Love, Life from Scratch and A Gift of Time. For those of you not familiar with book tours, they are essentially online book clubs. On a given date the […]


It’s Thursday, which means my latest post is up over at The Today Voice.  It’s been five weeks since I last shared links to my posts as “Thursday’s Voice.” I appreciate your support and feedback about my posts and am especially grateful to those who have taken time to comment on my posts over there and share […]


It’s been awhile since I have shared links here to my writing for Exhale Literary Magazine. My latest piece, a movie review, was published there today and last August I also wrote and shared another movie review there. These were my first two experiences writing movie reviews and I really enjoyed the challenge and the process. […]


The irony is not lost on me that I am getting this review posted, for a book about willpower, just under the wire on the day it is due to go up. Clearly this was a book that I could benefit from reading and I was not disappointed. Ever since I began The Willpower Instinct: How […]


It’s been a few weeks since I shared links here to my posts over at The Today Voice. I continue to enjoy the experience of being “Thursday’s Voice” and appreciate your continued support and feedback about my posts since we launched this writing project in July. I especially appreciate those of you have taken time to comment on […]