
Molly’s Burial

by Kathy on April 29, 2008 · 7 comments

in Bob, CHD, Godparents, Loss, Molly, Sean

First off, I want to send my sincere congratulations to T-Girl on the birth of her first child, a daughter, last Wednesday, April 23! T-Girl was one of the first people to visit my blog, that I didn’t know before I started blogging, and reach out to me with encouraging comments. She was very supportive […]


My Memories from Molly’s Birthday

by Kathy on April 24, 2008 · 11 comments

in Bob, CHD, Loss, Molly, Sean

Thank you for your comments, emails, cards, gifts, love and care over the past week since our baby girl Molly Marie was born and went to Heaven. We really have felt your thoughts and prayers over the past week, as we did throughout our entire pregnancy, and they have helped us to continue to take […]


Molly Marie Benson, April 17, 2008

by Kathy on April 17, 2008 · 55 comments

in Bob, CHD, FET #1, Loss, Molly, Sean

Dear Friends, This update is being written by Jacquie & Kevin, Kathy’s parents and Megan, Kathy’s sister and Molly’s godmother. Kathy is recovering at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn. Kathy and Bob arrived at the hospital for the C-section at 7:30 a.m. Arriving later were: Sean, their son, brought by Kevin & Jacquie and Megan; […]


Good morning! I am sorry that I did not get a chance to update here yesterday. It was a long day, but I feel like a lot was accomplished in preparation for the days and weeks to come (especially for the time after my c-section, when I will be recovering). At our appointment with our […]


It won’t be long now.

by Kathy on April 9, 2008 · 31 comments

in Bob, CHD, FET #1, Molly, Sean

I don’t know where to begin this update… I guess in many ways we always knew this time would likely come for Molly and our family, but the reality is still sinking in. Molly is still alive, at least she was as of early this evening, but her heart is definitely failing in just about […]



by Kathy on April 7, 2008 · 8 comments

in Bob, CHD, FET #1, Molly, Sean

I just need to vent a bit, so thank you for indulging me… Molly is still moving today and I think I find comfort and encouragement from that. I just had a rough morning emotionally. You know how you can be dealing with a difficult time in your life fine and then something happens that […]