One of my new favorite blogs is I’m a Smart One… ( For those who may not be familiar with it, Kymberli is the author and has a compelling and inspiring writing style, not to mention life story. She is a wife, mother and 8th grade literature teacher, who struggled with primary infertility and after […]
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On this eve of the one month anniversary of Molly’s birthday I want to share a story that one of our friends, who we met through CarePages, emailed to us soon after Molly was born and went to Heaven. She thought that our family might find some comfort in it and I do think it […]
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I recently received my first blogging award (see to the left), from my due date buddy Farah at Fertilized ( Farah is expecting her first child, a sweet little boy, just days after Molly would have been due had she made it to full term, in June. Farah and I met early on in our […]
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This is what I shared for our “Family Reflection” at Molly’s Memorial Service on Sunday, May 4, 2008. Bob, Sean and I want to thank you all for being here today, as we remember and honor our daughter and Sean’s sister Molly’s short but very special life. We know that Molly’s life touched so many […]
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First off, Happy (belated) Mother’s Day to all of you mothers out there. You all were in my thoughts and prayers yesterday, especially those of you whose children are very sick or have gone to Heaven, those of you who are expecting and those of you who want to have a child and suffer from […]
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A quick post to share some good news, I just got a call from our OB’s office and they had received the results of Molly’s chromosome analysis. The results were normal and confirmed she was a girl. We already knew she was a girl, we had confirmed that from seeing her after she was born, […]
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