Today is the four month milestone since our Molly-girl was born and went to Heaven. As I have done in prior months on the 17th, I wanted to take some time out today to honor the memory of our daughter and Sean’s baby sister by sharing with you about something special to our family that […]
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There are two stories that I want to share from this past week before I forget as they were both very meaningful to me. First, on Sunday we took Sean to meet his newest cousin, our second niece, Bob’s brother and our sister-in-law’s second child. For much of our visit Sean didn’t seem that interested […]
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…no, not that kind of quicky! Get your mind out of the gutter (or I guess I should get mine out).A quick post/update on me! 😉 I am sure I am not alone in being very behind in the following of and commenting on the blogs that I typically read and support. I think this […]
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…some type of card you could hand out to people after your baby dies. The card would explain briefly what happened to your child and that way when out in public and an acquaintance poses a question that does not make it possible to avoid answering at least somewhat truthfully, said card could be given […]
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This afternoon we went to our niece’s 2nd birthday party. I wasn’t particularly nervous about the event. I wasn’t feeling fragile or emotionally unstable. I knew we would see my sister-in-law (SIL) who is full term and due in a few weeks with her second child, our niece’s first sibling. I was aware that Bob’s […]
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Today it has been three months since our baby girl Molly Marie was born and went to Heaven. In honor of this milestone and her memory I want to share with you something special our family has in our home that helps us to remember our daughter/baby sister and the impact her short, but very […]
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