Today it has been seven months since Molly was born and went to Heaven. As in previous months on the 17th, I am taking time today to honor the memory of our daughter and Sean’s baby sister through sharing with you about special things that help our family to continue to remember and feel connected […]
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Sean asked me that randomly as we were driving home after his park district Tumbling class this afternoon. I repeated the question back to him. “Sean did you just ask me if I voted today?” Sean replied, “yes.” I told Sean that I did vote earlier today and that so did Daddy. Then I asked […]
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Thank you for your kind words, thoughts and prayers following my recent posts. For a variety of reasons (many of which I shared here) the last few weeks have been difficult for me emotionally. I am continuing to heal, to work through my grief, to learn how to live my life without my baby girl […]
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One year ago today we got the news that our first frozen embryo transfer (FET) was successful and that we were pregnant. I had been excited and anxious all day waiting to find out if our “overachieving embryo” had stuck. I posted here on my blog a number of times to help settle my nerves. […]
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Today it has been six months since Molly was born and went to Heaven. It won’t be long now before I will have not been pregnant longer than I was pregnant with our baby girl. Though I would much rather be holding my daughter in my arms right now than be sharing this news, I […]
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As many of you know, today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. In honor and memory of the babies that Bob, Sean and I have lost and those that you or your loved ones have lost, I am taking time to post and remember. On December 1, 2004 I had my first miscarriage. Sean […]
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