
Just like a racehorse! :)

by Kathy on February 27, 2009 · 11 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Molly, Sean, The Future

Good morning! Bob and I had our appointment at our OB/GYN’s office today. I am pleased to report that it went well. We saw the same doctor that we saw four weeks ago, which was nice, as she already knew about our history and current pregnancy. The appointment was relatively uneventful, which is how we […]


Today it has been ten months since Molly was born and went to Heaven. Reflecting on what was happening in mid-February last year, it is hard to believe how much time has passed since that critical and uncertain stage of our pregnancy, when we were doing everything we could to give our baby girl the […]


So far, so good!

by Kathy on February 16, 2009 · 9 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Sean, The Future

Good afternoon! I am relieved to to let you know that our ultrasound this morning went very well! The tech measured our baby’s heart rate twice and it was beating at 171 and then 182 bpm. Which is very good/normal. The tech measured our baby’s crown to rump length twice and got both 2.50 cm […]


Missing Molly

by Kathy on February 11, 2009 · 7 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Healing, Loss, Molly, Sean

Sean and I were sitting on the couch in our living room a little while ago playing a computer game together on our laptop. At one point Sean leaned over and looked at a picture of Molly that we have framed on one of our side tables. He then said to me, “I miss Molly. […]


No news is good news.

by Kathy on February 9, 2009 · 17 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Fear, Sean, The Future

Thank you all so much for your kind words, enthusiasm, support, thoughts and prayers! Your comments on my last post were awesome and mean so much to me. It still seems very surreal to Bob and me that we are pregnant. Since I last posted my life has been very busy and I kept thinking […]


…at least for now. It is with great joy, some fear and cautious optimism that I share with you the news that I am pregnant! Yes, you read that right. I am approximately 6 1/2 weeks, depending on which dates you go by. I have wanted to share about this here sooner, but I have […]