
So moved…

by Kathy on April 9, 2009 · 5 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Healing, Inspiration, Loss, Molly, Sean

Thank you for all of your kind and enthusiastic comments on my recent posts! 🙂 Your continued support and encouragement mean so much to me. This is still all very surreal for us. It is hard for me to believe that I am almost 17 weeks pregnant with a baby girl that appears to be […]


P.S. It’s a…

by Kathy on April 1, 2009 · 24 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Echocardiograms, Molly, Sean

  GIRL! 🙂   I would have shared that in my last post, but literally ran out of time when I was writing it. It also is news worthy of its own post! Anyway, Bob and I knew we might have the opportunity to find out baby’s gender today, as (some of you may recall) […]


Greetings! First off, those who know me/the Axe side of our family know that we are notorious for trying to play April Fool’s jokes on each other. So being that today is April 1st, I want to be clear that no part of this email is a joke. Though it was tempting to tell you […]


GD Free!

by Kathy on March 30, 2009 · 8 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Molly

I just spoke with a nurse from our OB’s office and found out that I am gestational diabetes (GD) free (at least for now)! My results were 83 and the nurse told me that under 140 is considered normal/a negative result. She also explained that they will test me again at about 28 weeks, but […]


This morning we had our third prenatal appointment at our OB’s office. I am happy to report that it was relatively uneventful, just as we like them! 🙂 The highlights from today include that we got to hear Baby Benson’s heartbeat again on the Doppler and it sounded great and normal! To our surprise we […]


is that we are (at least I am) often disappointed when people or events don’t live up to them. When Bob and I started planning what we wanted to do for Molly’s Birthday/Celebration of Life next month we told ourselves that we would share what we were going to do with our family and friends […]