
Six years ago today I took a home pregnancy test (HPT). Sean was about the same age that Abby is now (13 months old) and my period was a few days late. We had started “trying” to have another child that summer when Sean was about 9 months old. My period had returned in May […]


Happy Halloween!

by Kathy on October 31, 2010 · 3 comments

in Abby, Bob, Holidays, Molly, Sean

Wishing you and yours a spooktacular Halloween! Love, Kathy, Bob, Sean & Abbywith Molly in our hearts


The Circle of Life

by Kathy on September 9, 2010 · 5 comments

in Abby, Adoption, Bob, Family, Godparents, Loss, Molly, Sean

I can’t believe that it is been four months since I last posted anything here. It is certainly the longest I have gone since I began blogging in April 2007 and it took me well over a month to compose this one. My absence has not been for lack of news, thoughts or emotions to […]


Some of you may recall a post that I wrote around this time last year called Grace and the Odds. I had watched Grey’s Anatomy and been really moved by some of the dialogue in that night’s episode between two of the main characters on the show. Well last night I found myself once again […]


Happy Birthday Molly Marie! We love you and miss you so much! Once again I find myself wondering who you would be today? I watch your cousins and friends, whom you would have been close in age to, grow and develop and often think about you and imagine you playing with them. I see the […]


In case you haven’t read about Mel’s latest amazing idea/partnership with Resolve called “Project IF,” please click here to do so before reading the rest of my post. Isn’t this an awesome way for people to express their hopes, dreams and fears as they relate to their ALI (Adoption, Loss and/or Infertility) journeys?! I certainly […]