My London Semester Journal II: Monday, March 11, 1996

by Kathy on October 21, 2019 · 1 comment

in Before I Blogged, Expectations, Faith, Family, Food, Friends, Happiness, Journey, Life, London Semester Journals, Memories, Molly, Priorities, Relaxation, School, Song Lyrics, The Past, Time, Travel, TV Shows, Vacations

Monday, 3-11-96
8:40 AM En Route to London
2:40 AM E-Town

After a very bearable ferry ride & now a painless coach ride (through most of which I slept…) — we are w/in miles of London. Whatta trip!

Picking up where I left off… We arrived in Dublin, Ireland’s capital city, at about 8 AM Saturday morning. We decided to find a cafe where we could have breakfast, regroup, and plan our sightseeing for that day.

We walked about Dublin from the coach station for a while and found ourselves in the southern part of town. This part of town holding most of the big tourist attractions in Dublin.

We looked for a cafe that seemed appealing & was open that early… We wandered into a cafe called “Bewley’s!” The atmosphere was great! There were may Irish people & cute families eating breakfast, reading newspapers, & chatting away… A super first impression of Dublin! I ordered a blueberry muffin, a chocolate donut, & hot chocolate — all yummy! ☺︎

Little did Lori & I know when we first entered the cafe, but “Bewley’s” cafe & it’s tea & coffee products are rather famous! And when we opened my Frommer’s guide book & read about what all Dublin had to offer, “Bewley’s” was mentioned & even starred ✪ as one of his favorite eating establishments in Dublin! We could not have planned our early morning meal & introduction to Dublin, & Ireland for that matter, better if we tried!

After breakfast we chose to visit the Trinity College Campus! The quad-like campus with beautiful architecture & quaint old buildings is famous for owning & displaying one of the few (possibly the only) remaining copies of “The Book of Kells.” “The Book of Kells” is an awesomely illustrated set of the 4 Gospels — Lori & I went to the exhibition at Trinity’s “Old Library” and were both very impressed!

Oh, back at “Bewley’s” I bought a cute coffee tin for Mom & Dad as a souvenir of Ireland, which I think they will enjoy… After taking our time looking over & taking in the “Book of Kells” exhibit we moved on to lunch…

We found our chosen lunch destination in an eclectic & upbeat part of town — near by Trinity’s campus. We ate at the much hyped up “Bad Ass Cafe” where singer Sinead O’Conner once worked as a waitress! The atmosphere here was fun too & the people watching factor — both inside the restaurant & passers by on the street — was high! ☺︎

Lori & I both ordered very tasty pizzas & cokes, which also came w/ coleslaw & a scone! I didn’t eat the coleslaw, but the scone was good. Before leaving the hip eatery, for our afternoon tourist attractions, I bought a “Bad Ass Cafe” t-shirt (only £ 7.50) & Lori bought a bunch of silly “Bad Ass” postcards!

Next up was a mission to find the statue of Molly Malone, who is said to have “rolled a wheelbarrow, thru streets straight & narrow… in Dublin’s fair city!” This I knew from an old Irish ballad Daddy used to sing me to sleep with when I was a kid, among other Irish tunes!

So we got a quick look at the statue, a picture in front of it, & headed for Christ Church Cathedral! All day long when we were asking for directions about the city, Dubliners were very kind & helpful!

On the way to Christ Church we stopped in a souvenir shop & lingered quite awhile… Lori & I lingered & took our time to enjoy things a lot this weekend, which was nice & relaxing.

Well, almost back to the Victoria tube/coach stations & I have to regroup for it is quarter past 9 AM & I must be to Int’l Business class ASAP & even give a presentation w/ Brie & Lawerence on our chosen company to research “Guinness PLC!” Going to Ireland this weekend sure wasn’t a bad case study for the background of this Irish stout beer & scotch whiskey business! ☺︎

More on our adventures in Ireland to come…



Note from Present Day Kathy: I am amused and slightly annoyed by my use of exclamation points, quotes, and … in this entry! That said, it’s been 4 months since I last posted a London Semester Journal entry and over 2 months since I started working on this one. It’s interesting to me how I get into zones of focus in my life and for a while I was really into revisiting, reflecting on and sharing these. However, in recent months I haven’t found or prioritized the time to do so. I don’t know how consistently I will continue to do this, though I still find it interesting and intend to keep going, at whatever pace ends up working for me, at any given time.

I recently started watching a show, recommended by a good friend, that was on TV between 2009-12, called Being Erica. It’s currently available via Amazon Prime and I binge watch episodes on my phone, while getting things done around the house, in lieu of listening to an audiobook or podcasts or music, as I typically do. I just started the 4th of 4 seasons. The show has a really interesting take on making peace with regrets we have in our lives/past and it is sooooo good/thought-provoking.

My point in sharing about the show, is that the main character Erica (and some others) spend a good deal of time returning to key moments and events in their past, with the lense and knowledge they have in the future/present day. The show includes time travel, so you do need suspension of disbelief. Though I don’t get to literally travel through time when I revisit the journal entries, from my London Semester Abroad, it feels a little like time traveling for me. It is both cool and bizarre for me to read what I was thinking and feeling at age 21 from my current lense at age 44, with so much more life and experience under my belt.

As for this particular entry, I love that (not her real name) Lori and I just happened upon a cafe that morning, which we might’ve otherwise intentionally chosen to go to, if we’d read up on our options ahead of time. I also got a kick out of what I ordered for breakfast that day, a sweet muffin, donut and hot chocolate! No protein, fruit or other fairly healthy options and so much sugar. Back then I was a lot less health conscious, had a higher tolerance for sugar, and my metabolism likely didn’t care as much what I ate, as it does now.

I recall be super excited to have lunch at the Bad Ass Cafe, which I thought was a hilarious and awesome name for a restaurant. I also still have the t-shirt, which I wore often in those early days and years after my semester abroad.

Getting a picture with Molly Malone is even more meaningful to me now, knowing I have a daughter/baby girl, who left this world too soon in 2008, that we chose to name Molly.

I love getting to remember this day, as, being part Irish and raised to embrace that heritage, I’d always wanted to get to Ireland. I do hope to return and see more of it someday, as we could only pack so much into our weekend there. I appreciated reading that in spite of our trip being short, we did take time to linger and really take things in there.

Finally, I am impressed that I went straight to class in London on Monday morning, after getting off the overnight coach bus from our whirlwind weekend trip to Ireland!


Reminder: Unless I’ve been given permission to use people’s actual names, in most cases I’ve removed or replaced the names of the real people who were part of my journey/experience there, in effort to protect and respect their identities/privacy in my London Semester Journal entries. I will also not share details that I think and feel are too personal for anyone I interacted with, my loved ones, and me.


Here’s the back story of My London Semester Journals from 1996, including what prompted me to revisit and decide to share them here in 2018. And here’s a list a list of the entries, which I will update as I share them.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Jared James March 23, 2020 at 10:33 am

Its love reading… knowing the detail about the classic London… always fascinate me 🙂


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