My London Semester Journal I: Thursday, February 8, 1996

by Kathy on November 21, 2018 · 0 comments

in Background, Before I Blogged, Diversions, Faith, Friends, London Semester Journals, Relationships, Writing

Thursday, 2-8-96
1:00 AM London
7:00 PM E-Town (2-7-96)

Okay, I am home now! Hanging w/ the canoe club at the ULU pub was loads of fun! They are a great group to hang out w/! And… they invited me to a Ball! ☺︎ It is Friday, March 22nd & it is called “Purple’s Ball!” We will have 2 tables (the Canoe Club) & it is to honor University of London Athletes. It is suppose to be so fun & is it black tie! I don’t know where I am gonna get myself a formal, but I’ll find one… (Maybe Gap still has that velvet dress on sale?)

Well, Louise, Maureen, Rita & the other Canoe Club gals are great fun! Julie wasn’t there tonight, she had to study… The blokes seem cool as well, especially this one, Dennis. We talked for a while at the pub & he seems like a cutie! ☺︎ He goes to King’s college & is majoring in physiology. He also runs cross-country for ULU & likes climbing. Hmmm…

Well, next week I will definitely be going back to the canoe club! ☺︎ (w/ my £39 for the Ball too!)

“Growing in Faith” tonight was okay… I may be a bit burnt out on thinking so much about all the religious stuff. I ❤︎ God! But, I can only analyze it all for so long, then I need a break. But, I will always love God & pray to & thank God for my blessings! ☺︎

Monday night’s daily mass was really awesome though… I like Fr. Scott’s mellow style!

Well, gotta get some sleep… I don’t want this lack of sleep thing to become a habit!


P.S. Debbie & Alex arrive tomorrow!


Note from Present Day Kathy: There are some moments in life, and especially (for me) during my semester abroad, that I couldn’t have planned or choreographed better if I tried… Getting invited to the Purples Ball (and going, which I share about in a later entry) is one of those. I was beyond excited to get to do that!

I also continue to find it hilarious how boy crazy I was back then, in that I had crushes on numerous people I met in London, as well as was still thinking about guys from back home. (Not his real name) Dennis was really cool and I won’t spoil what does (or doesn’t) happen with us, but it is fun to revisit meeting people, such as him, for the first time back then. Having been with Bob for 22 years and married for 18, that kind of newness between us wore off a long time ago. So though we still adore each other and have so much fun together, I am getting a kick out of the flashbacks to 20-year-old me meeting young men and how I felt about those experiences/my developing relationships (or lack there of) with them.

Being very money conscious back then, out of necessity, I also find it amusing how often I comment in my entries about what things cost.

And I get that sometimes I needed a break from being so faith focused in those days, especially as much as I was going to masses, lectures/discussions, and community prayer time.

Also, to this day I struggle to prioritize/get enough sleep… However, at 43 I fully recognize how important sleep is to my well-being, especially my mindset, and when I have a day or two of sleep deprivation, I make sure I get back on track/turn things around right away.


Reminder: Unless I’ve been given permission to use people’s actual names, in most cases I’ve removed or replaced the names of the real people who were part of my journey/experience there, in effort to protect and respect their identities/privacy in my London Semester Journal entries. I will also not share details that I think and feel are too personal for anyone I interacted with, my loved ones, and me.


Here’s the back story of My London Semester Journals from 1996, including what prompted me to revisit and decide to share them here in 2018. And here’s a list a list of the entries, which I will update as I share them.

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