My London Semester Journal I: Tuesday, January 2, 1996

by Kathy on September 9, 2018 · 0 comments

in Anxiety, Background, Before I Blogged, Change, Coping, Courage, Expectations, Journey, Life, London Semester Journals, Memories, The Past, Time, Writing

Tuesday, 1-2-96
2:00 AM E-Town
8:00 AM London

Well, its 2 AM/8 AM and I just ate breakfast! It’s gonna be long day… Though I’ve rested, I haven’t really slept, so I believe I will be experiencing a great deal of jet lag!

The stewards and stewardesses have been great! In addition to wine & tea, I have had at least 5 little juice boxes of OJ! There’s one flight attendant whose specialty is saying, “Would you like some tea?!” With her accent, when she offers it to you, it is great fun! Okay, I am tired & best get ready for my arrival in London…

Lookout U.K., Here I come! ☺︎ — Later

Tuesday, 1-2-96
9:28 PM London
3:28 PM E-Town

Expectations… When will I ever learn?! ☹︎

God help me, I have gotten myself into what is seeming to be my most challenging learning experience yet in my life! I know, that’s what its all about! ☺︎

★ Details:
~ I have now been awake for well over 24 hours… and spent most of it waiting…
~ I am living in Pembridge Gardens, not a flat, and that’s okay…
~ My room is awesome!
~ Great view from window
~ A double w/ Lori, who seems like a compatible roomie ☺︎

★ I am, oh, so tired, so more tomorrow I am sure!


Note from Present Day Kathy: E-Town is a nickname that some people, especially my childhood friends, from my hometown of Evanston, Illinois use to refer to where we grew up.

I recall how funny I thought it was that, with the time difference between the US and the UK, the flight attendants were trying to help us/our bodies think it was morning, serving us breakfast and offering us so much orange juice, when it felt like the middle of the night to us!

I also remember how overwhelmed I felt that first night in London, being jet lagged and trying to make peace with some things not going quite how I imagined, including not getting to live in a an apartment/flat.


Reminder: Unless I’ve been given permission to use people’s actual names, in most cases I’ve removed or replaced the names of the real people who were part of my journey/experience there, in effort to protect and respect their identities/privacy in my London Semester Journal entries. I will also not share details that I think and feel are too personal for anyone I interacted with, my loved ones, and me.


Here’s the back story of My London Semester Journals from 1996, including what prompted me to revisit and decide to share them here in 2018. And here’s a list a list of the entries, which I will update as I share them.

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