So I realized awhile back (I think it’s actually been a few months or more) that the comments here on my blog were not showing up. I could still see them in my dashboard (behind the scenes) but not on my website for all to see. I was too busy to do anything about it, until yesterday when I looked into it. It turns out that I was still using Thesis 1.8.4 (my site theme) and it is not compatible with WordPress 4.0. I needed to upgrade to Thesis 1.8.6. I had not messed with FTP and such for over 2 years and didn’t remember much. I hadn’t even downloaded FileZilla to my *new* MacBook (that I got in summer on 2012). Thankfully I was able to Google what to do and eventually understood the process. This blog post was especially helpful, in terms of breaking down each step along the way:…/ Anyway, wanted to share, especially for my fellow bloggers who might find themselves in the same boat I was. So excited that I did it and my comments are visible again!
My Comments Are Back!
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