Prayers for Roger

by Kathy on February 26, 2008 · 0 comments

in CHD, FET #1, Molly

I promise to come back and catch up more later, but wanted to post quickly this morning to ask for your thoughts and prayers for a “heart baby” named Roger who is two months old. I found out about him and his family on (CarePage Name: RogerCarepage) and though his diagnosis is not exactly the same as Molly’s, many of his congenital heart defects are similar and were discovered early on in utero. I have been following his story for over a month now and have been so inspired by the strength and devotion of his family, especially his mother Amy. He has spent his entire newborn life in the hospital and his condition and prognosis has been up and down from day to day. Yesterday things were looking the best they have for Roger in awhile and his mother was excited and encouraged. I have found so much hope in their story and wanted to believe that it might mean good things for Molly in the future. Unfortunately this morning Amy posted an update that Roger’s doctors believe that he will pass away today. She is certainly sad, but also feels a sense of peace, after all that he and their family has been through. One of her closest friends is with her at the hospital today and she finds a lot of comfort in that. Anyway, please send some healing and comforting thoughts to and prayers for Roger, Amy, Roger’s father, older brother, older sister and everyone who Roger’s short, but very meaningful, life has has touched. I can only imagine what Amy is feeling today, however from what I can tell she has a very strong faith and I believe that God will be holding her very close today and in the days to come. Thank you.

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