Thursday’s Voice: Week Eight

by Kathy on August 23, 2012 · 1 comment

in Change, Life, The Today Voice, Uncategorized, Writing

It’s Thursday! Which means it my day to write about this week’s prompt over at The Today Voice.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm since we launched our new writing project last month. I especially appreciate those of you have taken time to comment on my posts over there and share your thoughts on the prompts each week here and/or there.

If this is the first you have heard about The Today Voice writing project, click here to read the back story and I how I got involved.

The prompt for this week is:

What was the biggest mistake you think you ever made and how did it change your life?

I knew exactly what I would write about the moment I first read this question. Overall my blogging experience over the past five years has been very positive. But there have definitely been some growing pains and my answer to this question talks about one of them. It is also a cautionary tale for newer bloggers and those who are considering inviting more people in your personal lives to read your blogs. I am not discouraging you from “coming out” about your blogs, if your loved ones don’t already know about them. Rather, I am simply encouraging you to consider some key things before you extend those invitations.

Here is a link to my eighth post as Thursday’s Voice:

Week Eight: Kathy Benson 

To check out the other Today Voice posts for this week click on the links below:

Monday’s Voice: Nick French

Tuesday’s Voice: Brian B. Baker

Wednesday’s Voice: Peter Combs

Friday’s Voice: Amanda Kasper (post will be live at noon EST on Friday, August 24th)

I hope that you will continue to follow our journey on The Today Voice and share your thoughts on our posts “52 weeks, 5 voices, 1 day at a time.”

You can follow us on Twitter @TheTodayVoice and “like” our Facebook page here.

What’s the biggest mistake you think you ever made? How did it change your life?

Please share your thoughts in the comment section of my post on The Today Voice, here on my blog or in a post on your own blog and then let me know/share a link so I can read it.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Mud Hut Mama August 24, 2012 at 3:44 am

Hi Kathy, I just tried to comment over at your post but for some reason (probably my internet connection) I’m having trouble today. I did want to say that I really appreciate you sharing this story and I’m sorry it is still affecting some of your relationships with family today. Being new to blogging, it is a very good reminder to be cautious about what I post and to keep in the back of my mind that the purpose my blog serves today may be different down the line and that the audience may also change overtime. Thank you for that!


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