9 fertilized! :)

by Kathy on August 3, 2007 · 1 comment

in IVF #2 (second try), Sean

I just got the call with the fertilization report… 9 of the 11 eggs that were retrieved yesterday were mature and all 9 fertilized!!! YAY!!! WAHOO!!! YIPEE!!!

I did ask about the quality of the eggs, as during our 1st IVF cycle of the 11 retrieved, 7 were mature and all 7 fertilized, but when the embryologists rated them, when they received them in the lab, they were considered poor. She did say that there was a note with the information about our eggs from yesterday stating “poor oocyte (egg) quality.” That said, we did get one for the ET and one to freeze from our 1st cycle out of 7, so I figure with 9 to start with our odds of getting one for the ET and one or more to freeze are decent.

I have been taking it easy yesterday and today, as I have been tired from the anesthesia and sore from the surgery. Bob stayed home after the ER yesterday to help with Sean, so I could rest and my parents are here today (and were with Sean during the ER yesterday) to help.

Last night we did my first Progesterone-in-Oil (PIO) shot for this cycle. After doing the Repronex this cycle and last IM (intermuscularly) in my rear end without icing the skin first, we decided to try doing the PIO without icing it first and it went very well! I still used a heating pad afterwards to keep the muscle warm. By skipping the icing it will save us time every night and it really doesn’t feel that different, at least from our first try last night. We also had one of the nurses, after the ER yesterday, draw circles for Bob to aim for when he does the PIO, as during our 1st IVF cycle we forgot to and found out, last cycle when we began the Repronex shots, that we had been doing them too low.

I will get a call tomorrow letting me know if the Embryo Transfer (ET) will be Sunday or Tuesday, assuming at least some of 9 continue to divide and develop in the days to come. Thank you for your continued support, thoughts and prayers!

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1 SommerNyte August 3, 2007 at 1:28 pm

Coming from a gal who only got as many as 4/10 to fertilize — that’s AWESOME!!


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