
It’s an old song It’s an old tale from way back when It’s an old song And that is how it ends That’s how it goes Don’t ask why, brother, don’t ask how He could have come so close The song was written long ago  Your Daddy likes to tease me that when I start […]


8 years ago I participated in a year-end blog meme for the first time called Rewind 2011, with fun and interesting questions designed to get writers and readers to reflect on our lives in 2011. I did so again the following year, with my Rewind 2012. Ever since I did this writing exercise those two […]


Getting Abby to school this morning, more so her gym shoes, was a comedy of errors. I was half way home from dropping her off when she called to say she forgot them. I thought she said she left them in the car, since she was wearing her snow boots. However, when I was half […]


You’re fifteen for a moment, caught in between ten and twenty… You probably don’t know this song reference, but we’ll remedy that today. 15. Years. Old. Say what? When did that happen?! I remember this toddler, who loved all things trains, said “Choo-Choo!” often, and would drop everything when he heard the sound of “ding-dings” going down, […]


Thursday, 1-4-96 12:26 AM London 6:26 PM E-Town (1-3-96) Another LONG day… But I am beginning to adjust more easily and feel more confident about my decision to study here… I got up this morning at 7:30 AM. I felt a bit more sane after catching up on some sleep! Lori got up then too. […]


Before I blogged, I was an avid, albeit inconsistent, journaler. I started young, the oldest one I can find I bought from a Scholastic Book Fair in early elementary school. I continued off and on through grade school, college, grad school and young adulthood, until I began writing and sharing here, on my blog, in […]