Eating on Vacation (Then and Now)

by Kathy on September 9, 2016 · 0 comments

in Accountability, Change, Family, Flashback Friday, Food, Game Changers, Memories, Then and Now, Time


What stories do your family pictures tell?

Do they remind you of special times you spent together?
These two were taken only a year apart. ?
The one on the left was taken at the happiest place on earth, in August 2015, on our epic family Disney/Universal Vacation! ✈️☀️?♥️? And yes, Bob and the kids humored me by wearing coordinating shirts, that matched our magic bands on our first day there. ?✴️✳️?
The one on the right was taken at my happy place, last month, on Hilton Head Island where we vacationed this summer. ☀️?????
You can tell in both photos how much fun we were having together! ?
However, there was a significant difference between my experience on both vacations, especially what I ate and how my clothes fit me. ???
?I wasn’t following a specific eating/portion control plan or tracking my intake. ? So I pretty much ate what I wanted, whenever, and was determined to get my money’s worth on that Disney Dining Plan! ?
? I had bought a few new pairs of shorts, before we left, that were *more comfortable.* ? And left many a meal feeling like my choices, though yummy, weren’t worth how I felt afterwards. ?
? And I came home to find a # on the scale that I hadn’t seen in a while and was extremely frustrated with myself. ?
I wanted to lose at least 10-15 lbs., that over the course of 2015 I’d managed to shed and gain back a few times… ?
So I resolved to do another round of 21 Day Fix Extreme, only this time I was gonna be “hardcore” with the eating/portion control plan for those 3 weeks. ??
I did and I was and I was down 9 pounds! ????
And initially I thought that was enough and I’d return to my less structured approach to eating, with little, to no, tracking. ?
That was until a friend and fellow coach on our team, who had been in an accountability group with me, for those 21 Days, doing the same thing, suggested we keep going. ? Not just with the workouts, as we moved on to our next group, but KEEP FOLLOWING THE PORTION FIX EATING PLAN. ?
Excuse me, what? ?
I accepted her challenge and never looked back! ??
The next 21 Days turned into 17 rounds in a row (and later this month I will have been following it for 365 days straight)! ????
??? I finally realized this wasn’t about a short-term fix or a diet, IT IS A LONG TERM LIFESTYLE CHANGE. ???
What has really made it work for me is that I am not hardcore about it. I follow it 80-90% of the time, and thus allow myself planned splurges. I give myself grace when, now and then, I over do it. ✌?️♥️?
But no matter how close to the plan I eat and control my portions on any given day, I TRACK EVERYTHING (even on vacation)! ✔️✔️✔️
I post a daily collage with screenshots of the apps I use: including Fitbit, Waterlogged, and 21 Day Fit Tracker. ?
And guess what?
?I’ve never gained or lost more than 5 lbs.! No more see-sawing here! ??
?I could pack, wear, and rock whatever I wanted from my closet on vacation and any other day. ??
?I enjoyed moderate (and sometimes a bit more) splurging on vacations, without overdoing it or feeling deprived. ?
?And when we got back from Hilton Head this year, I felt great, my clothes still fit well, and I was only up 1 pound! ?
Can you relate to the way I used to think about and approach eating to lose weight?
I love to help others take responsibility for their lives and achieve their goals through creating, implementing, and being accountable for healthy habits. ??⏰✔️?
Comment or message me on Facebook  if you are ready to talk with me about making positive changes in your life, especially when it comes to eating healthier and practicing portion control. ?

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