ConsistencyIt’s my word for today.

Really, it should be my word for this year.

It’s the thing I struggle with most as a parent.

It’s also something that I need to focus on more in other areas of my life.

From keeping our home clean and organized to my work as a health and fitness coach, I get how vital consistency is.

So, then why is it so hard to be consistent?

I know that I am not alone in this.

It may be simple, but that doesn’t mean it is easy.

I know that routines and to do lists can help.

But even with both in place, I still have to make the effort to follow the routines and actually attempt to do the tasks on my lists.

Just do it.

For those familiar with The Fly Lady, someone I have inconsistently followed for years, I love how she says, “I don’t want to you try to catch up; I just want you to jump in where we are.” I think that is such great advice.

Just do it.

One of the things that keeps me from being consistent is when I am feeling overwhelmed. I have a tendency to spend too much time thinking about what needs to get done and not enough time just doing it.

Accountability is huge for me.

When I have people to check in with and report back to, in regards to my progress, I am more likely to get things done.

I am grateful for those in my life who help to hold me accountable, believe in me, and cheer me on.

And I love being that person for others.

Please share what works for you and what you are working on.

What holds you back from being consistent?

What helps you to be consistent?





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