
by Kathy on November 24, 2013 · 1 comment

in Decisions, Game Changers, Life, Love, Marriage, Mistakes, Parenting, Pregnancy

“You’ll just know…”

When you are in love.

When you’ve found the one.

When you are in labor.

When you are done trying to have children.

When the time is right.

That’s what I have been told throughout my life.

But it has rarely been my experience.

I choose to love my husband, I didn’t fall in love with him.

I am not sure that he is the only person I could have been happy sharing my life and raising a family with, but I am very grateful to be on this journey with him.

Labor pains were never obvious to me.

We made the decision to stop trying to expand our family slowly, when the question evolved from why wouldn’t we want to try to have another child to why would we.

And as for time, it isn’t always clear to me when it’s right.

Sometimes I make changes or explore new things because I feel ready enough, even when I am not completely confident in the direction I am going.

But I am certain that’s okay.

That I don’t have to “just know.”

I do have gut feelings sometimes and try to listen to them.

However, they don’t necessarily come with big, game changing, decisions in my life.

Often I have to trust that whatever path I choose, I will make it work, even when I have regrets or make mistakes a long the way.

What are you certain of?

How do you make big decisions in your life?

Have there been times when you “just knew” something was right or wrong for you?

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Hilary November 25, 2013 at 6:35 am

I agree – your gut knows… sometimes your heart and head don’t want to listen, but your gut aways knows…
Hilary recently posted..More than meets the eye….Maybe? Maybe Not?My Profile


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