We Heal Here

by Kathy on August 21, 2013 · 6 comments

in Caring Connection, Coping, Grief, Healing, Inspiration, Loss, Miscarriage, Poetry

On the third Monday of the month, we gather, we share, we listen, we care.

We Heal Here

Whether its been 10 days, 10 weeks, 10 months or 10 years.

We Heal Here

We tell our stories. We grieve together. We hold each other up when we feel like we’re falling apart.

We Heal Here

It isn’t fair. It sucks. We cry. We ask why. We find hope. We feel peace. We move forward.

We Heal Here

One day, one hour, one step at a time. We try to be better, not bitter.

We Heal Here

We miss our babies. They’re never far from our minds. We pay it forward. We make them proud.

We Heal Here

Until next month, or next time, we carry each other and our babies in our hearts. We can do this, together.

We Heal Here


I wrote this after our Caring Connection meeting on Monday night. There were twelve bereaved families represented. One of our bereaved dads, who recently marked three years since the birth and death of his baby girl this month, said “we heal here,” as he described to a newer member of our support group what happens at our gatherings.

I love that simple and powerful description of what it means to be a part of our perinatal bereavement support group. I feel so blessed to have been a part of Caring Connection for almost seven years now. Though each one of us would give up our group in a heartbeat to have our babies back in our arms today, we are grateful to have each other to walk this journey as bereaved parents together.

Monday was also the eighth anniversary of our second miscarriage, as well as a Day of Hope for those who have lost babies and children of any age. I can’t think of a better way or place for me to honor both events than being with those in my life who most understand their significance.

I try to make my blog and Facebook page places where healing can happen too. Wherever this post finds you when you read it, I wish you peace, love, light and strength to face whatever may be challenging you in your life.

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Mytwicebakedpotato August 21, 2013 at 11:37 pm

I can’t begin to understand what you are growing through but I understand loss and how a support group can help.
Sometimes when you count on your partner to help you through the loss, they can’t because they are gasping for air too. I remember…
Blessings to you and yours 😉
Mytwicebakedpotato recently posted..Just SayingMy Profile


2 Kathy August 21, 2013 at 11:42 pm

Thank you so much for your comment and sharing your experience. Loss is loss. I appreciate that you understand and remember. Blessings to you too.
Kathy recently posted..Time Warp Tuesday: PeaceMy Profile


3 Jenna August 22, 2013 at 6:43 am

I like that a lot. Simple and encouraging and real.
Jenna recently posted..Kindergarten? Ain’t No Thang! (For Him)My Profile


4 Kathy August 22, 2013 at 11:12 pm

Thank you, Jenna. I appreciate your feedback.
Kathy recently posted..BlogHer`13: You Can’t Boil the OceanMy Profile


5 Justine August 22, 2013 at 12:25 pm

This is beautiful, simple, and embracing of all comers. Thank you, Kathy.
Justine recently posted..The Quantification of the Self, and Eggplant CurryMy Profile


6 Kathy August 22, 2013 at 11:14 pm

You are welcome, Justine. Thank you for sharing how you see it.
Kathy recently posted..BlogHer`13: Suddenly I SeeMy Profile


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