
by Kathy on November 11, 2011 · 3 comments

in Family, Hope, Inspiration, Milestones, NaBloPoMo, Time

11 is my lucky number! I love on November 11th at 11:11 and 11 seconds to make “the ultimate wish.” I try to make use of both of my chances (AM & PM) to do so every year.

I believe my older sister Meg taught me to make wishes at 11:11 along with many other fun and quirky things throughout my life. I have even won some cash when I bet on it, along with my sister’s lucky number 27 (which is a story for another day), while playing Roulette in Vegas!

Two weeks ago I bought a gallon of milk (more like 4 gallons, as we go through them quickly here in the Benson family) and was happily surprised to see the sell by date stamped on it!

I can’t wait to make my “ultimate wish(es) today on 11-11-11 at 11:11:11 a.m. and/or p.m.! I am also likely going to be in a very special and magical place when I do so (at least one of the times), which I look forward to sharing more about here next week.

I debated what time to “schedule” this blog entry to post because I am planning ahead, knowing I might not have access to a computer today. In the end I knew that I had to go with the obvious choice… So by the time you read this I hope you have already made at least one of your “ultimate wishes” today (if you believe in this stuff, like I do).

I think getting to celebrate this “lucky day” in a location that I never imagined I would be on this date (at least until recently), with three of my favorite people in the world is pretty awesome!

How are you spending this “lucky day?” Do you plan to make (or have you already made) a wish(es) at 11:11:11?

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 HereWeGoAJen November 11, 2011 at 12:25 pm

I didn't think to make any wishes, but I will have to remember tonight!


2 JustHeather November 12, 2011 at 5:35 am

I made a wish! I also invited my girlfriends over for an evening of chatting and catching up. It was perfect.


3 Kathy November 14, 2011 at 11:21 pm

Jen – So did you remember? I actually forgot (which is rare) in the morning, as I was in the middle of something, I should have set the alarm on my phone… But made sure I didn't miss the evening opportunity! 🙂

Heather – Yay! Sounds like a wonderful night with your girls! 🙂


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