23 weeks

by Kathy on March 4, 2008 · 3 comments

in Bob, CHD, Digoxin, FET #1, Molly, Sean, Terbutaline

Today Molly is 23 weeks and 3 days gestation. I had my regular 23 week OB appointment yesterday morning. My mom went with me to be supportive and another set of ears, which Bob and I really appreciated, so he doesn’t have to attend every appointment we have. My dad stayed home to watch and play with Sean, since he had the day off from school, which Bob and I were also very grateful for. We found out that the AFP blood test results (a somewhat standard pregnancy blood test), taken at our 19 week appointment were negative/clear. Our OB seemed encouraged that we have made it this far in our pregnancy. He listened to Molly’s heart rate with the Doppler and was happy to hear that it sounded faster to him than it has in previous appointments. He was also able to hear her moving around with the Doppler. He measured the growth of my uterus (with a tape measure) and was glad to see that it seems to be expanding, along with Molly, as it should be.

While we were there, I got copies of all the latest reports from Molly’s perinatal cardiologist Dr. Cuneo and our MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) specialist’s office from our last two Level II ultrasounds. Even though we already knew most of the information in those reports, we always find it interesting to see exactly how our doctors choose to words things and how they explain them to our OB in the reports.

Going forward our OB would like to see us again in three weeks. If Molly’s condition continues to remain stable or get better, then going forward after that appointment, he said that he would like to see us every two weeks. If at some point her condition worsens and there is nothing more that we or anyone can do to help her, than he said that they will monitor us, most likely weekly, as we would wait for her to die.

Our OB also explained that in most high risk pregnancies, at a certain point, usually after the fetus could be viable (around 24 weeks) that OB’s often institute twice weekly fetal well being checks. However, when I reminded him that Dr. Cuneo doesn’t recommend delivering Molly before 32 weeks (though she might be willing to try as early as 30 weeks), he said that they would probably not do fetal well being checks until we might get closer to when they might deliver her, which made sense to us.

So that is where things stand now. I have tried to remain pretty neutral this week. Of course I want our baby girl to survive, but am trying not to get my hopes up too much or worry too much about if her condition has worsened. I continue to try to just take this one week and one day at a time. I continue to feel jittery (most likely from the Terbutaline) and nauseous (most likely from the Digoxin), which I take to be a good sign, that the meds are potentially still working for Molly (helping to keep her heart rate from getting too low, helping to keep her heart size less than 33% of her abdomen, preventing fetal hydrops, keeping the ductus venosus from worsening or helping it to heal and also keeping her umbilical vein from getting worse or helping it to continue to get better. I also have been having Braxton Hicks contractions more and more in the late afternoon and evening, which I know is normal in all pregnancies and have heard can be more common, earlier on, and often stronger in subsequent pregnancies.

I also continue to feel Molly move at least a few times each day and often more frequently. As often seems to happen when I am typing, Molly is giving me some taps and so on behalf of Molly and our family, thank you so much for your continued support, encouragement, positive thoughts and prayers. Knowing that there are so many loving and caring family members and friends rooting for us, and especially Molly, means so much to us.

Our appointment tomorrow is not until late in the afternoon and then we will be having dinner at my in-law’s afterwards, as they will be graciously watching Sean for us, while we are at Molly’s fetal echocardiogram. So I may not be able to get back here for an update until later tomorrow evening. I thought I would mention that, as last week our appointment was early in the day and I was able to post an update by early afternoon. Thanks again for your positive thoughts and prayers. I hope and pray that I have good news to share the next time I post, after our appointment tomorrow.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Fertilize Me March 4, 2008 at 3:53 pm

Praying and Praying for Moly (and you too)


2 Beth March 4, 2008 at 11:32 pm

I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you. I have found in my own life that sometimes the state of “limbo” is actually worse than knowing and accepting what it going to happen. It is so hard because you know you are strong enough to accept whatever God intends for you, but waiting to find out what that is can be so hard. You and your family are in my prayers. God can and still does miracles–sometimes that miracle is the end result and sometimes that miracle is what God does in your heart during the journey. May God bless you and your entire family.


3 T-girl March 5, 2008 at 9:21 am

I am happy that the appointment with your OB went well.

Thinking of you and Molly today, hoping the meds are helping.

A big hug for both of you girls!


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