Three candles

by Kathy on February 5, 2008 · 1 comment

in Bob, CHD, FET #1, Molly

The more I dive into the “blogosphere” the more I am amazed by the stories I read, the experiences I learn about and most importantly the care and support that fellow bloggers show each other. I recently heard about a couple Mary Ellen and Steve whose three baby girls Sylvia, Claire and Lucy died on Friday. From what I understand, their triplets’ due date was close to our Molly’s and so finding out about their loss hit me especially hard. Here is a link to their blog if you want to follow their story and/or show them your care and support during this very difficult time:

The picture of the three candles above representing Sylvia, Claire and Lucy was made by a fellow blogger as a way for us to show Mary Ellen and Steve our support. I was very moved by this gesture, when I saw other bloggers sharing it on their blogs, and wanted to share it here. Despite Molly’s diagnosis and prognosis being so bleak, it is still hard for me to imagine what Mary Ellen and Steve are going through right now. I realize that someday Bob and I may have to experience the death of our daugther, but we are not there yet. My heart aches for Mary Ellen and Steve and I send lots of healing thoughts and prayers their way. Please join me in remembering them and their three angels in your prayers.

I will come back soon and post about my regular OB appointment yesterday (Monday), however overall things are still pretty much the same. In the meantime, thank you for your continued support, encouragement, comments, emails, positive thoughts and prayers.

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1 Katie February 7, 2008 at 9:48 am

You are so sweet to think of others as much as you do during this time.

My prayers are still with you. . .


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