Caller ID

by Kathy on July 23, 2007 · 1 comment

in IVF #2 (second try), Uncategorized

The phone just rang and I saw it was my RE’s office… In the few seconds as I fumbled to press the “talk” button, my heart leapt and my mind raced as I started brainstorming possible reasons for the call??? Was my E2 (Estrogen level) low, somewhat indicated by the low number of follicles this morning, and they wanted to adjust the dosage of my meds? Was there something else wrong? Typically they don’t call just to say everything is normal and keep on doing what you are doing, though on slower days at the office they have been known to call for that reason.

Well, this was apparently one of those days, as the nurse I spoke with said she just called to tell me to keep the same dosage of my medications and they’ll see me back on Wednesday. I asked her if I should be concerned that there were only 7 follicles under 10mm today, when the past two cycles there were considerably more at this point, and her answer was “not yet, we’ll see how things look on Wednesday.” Not yet, eh? Though I would have preferred a more confident “no, no reason to be concerned!” answer, I will try to remain calm. I imagine that I am over analyzing all of this (I know, it is shocking that I would ever do such a thing), but sometimes it’s hard not to wonder why numbers vary from cycle to cycle and what it all means…

So now we wait until Wednesday and hope for the best! Grow follicles grow!!! 🙂

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 SommerNyte July 23, 2007 at 6:45 pm

I had 12 measurable follies at the start of my first (failed) IVF. For the second, I had 5 at my first u/s and that’s the cycle that worked!


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